5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free- Tip 3- Make Your Firm an Established Rainmaker

In this video with Matt from EWA, he shares five tips for small business owners. The third tip focuses on ensuring that the business doesn’t run you but rather establishes itself as the rainmaker. Successful businesses prioritize impeccable customer service, creating a high-touch client experience that generates word-of-mouth referrals. By making the firm culturally aligned with its mission and values, clients become strong advocates, driving inbound referrals naturally.

Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Matt with EWA. Today we are talking about five tips for small business owners. With the great resignation going on, business is becoming more and more difficult to retain good talent. And a lot of clients have given us the feedback that the business is running them versus is them running the business.
So I have narrowed this down to five tips. Where our most highly successful clients, what they’ve done commonalities they have that they’re running the business very successfully. We see growth, we see retention.
Excited to share these with you today. The third tip we have for making sure you’re running the business and the business is not running you is to have the firm be the established rainmaker. So typically in small businesses, we see there’s a sales team and the sales team can often be highly effective.
But the most profitable and fast paced growing companies that we have the pleasure of working with have one commonality. Their customer client service is impeccable, and the word of mouth and the inbound referrals are much greater than the outbound calls they have to make.
And the one commonality we found is that the firm overall, so not just the salesperson, but once the client becomes a client, it’s the client experience, it’s the high level touch point, it’s the concierge feelings that the clients are left with.
This will produce word of mouth, which is ten or sometimes 100 times more powerful than doing advertising or marketing to cold prospects. So making the firm the rainmaker, which really goes back to tip number one, having the right system in place.
So the firm is bought in culturally to the mission vision of the company and the values of the company. Um. The customer or client is going to feel that very strongly. It’s very hard to keep an excellent experience, especially in today’s day and age, a secret.
So if you provide that experience to your clients, they’re not going to keep you a secret. Naturally, inbound referrals will come in the door.
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5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free

5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free- Tip 1- Have Great Systems In Place
5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free- Tip 2- Adopt, Don't Fight Technology
5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free- Tip 4- Have a One Ship Mentality
5 Tips to Run Your Business Stress Free- Tip 5- Elevate and Delegate

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