What is a QPR?

Director of Investments and Trading

This video provides a comprehensive guide on how to access and navigate your account and the associated quarterly performance report. It emphasizes that page numbers may vary and encourages clients to reach out with questions. The report includes an EWA commentary, financial analytics, and performance statistics at both the household and individual account levels. It further breaks down asset classes and offers insights into account performance, asset allocation, and holdings. The video assures clients of transparency and the opportunity to discuss their accounts in detail in the upcoming quarterly video.

Video Transcript

This video is a helpful glossary of how to access your account and how to navigate the contents of your specific accounts. Now some clients may have a greater number or a smaller number of accounts there may be overflow, so please use this video specifically to reference the report shown in the video and the contents therein.

Your page numbers may be different when your reference in your quarterly report, and please call us if you have questions. Here’s what you can expect to find in your quarterly performance report. On page two you will find an ewa commentary that recaps some important quick hitters from the past quarter.

And then you will see two distinct sections of the report. The first half of the report will showcase financial analytics and performance statistics at the household level, and the second half of the report will showcase your performance statistics on an individual account by account basis.

Also included on page two will be a portfolio composition breaking down your assets at a household level. On the left hand side of the page you will find a pie chart that breaks down your specific equities to fixed income allocation ratio.

And on the right hand side you will find a pie chart that breaks down each individual asset class. Also at a household level. Page three of the quarterly performance report will showcase your performance statistics at a household level so bringing all of your current accounts into play.

At of page three you will see your quarter beginning market value, you will see any contributions or distributions made throughout the quarter, and then you will also see the ending market value of your portfolio.

Showcased will be return statistics for the current quarter year to date. One year three year. Five year, ten year and since inception, the bottom half of page three you will see a rolling two year performance chart that will showcase the household performance of your household portfolio over the past two years.

Next on page four you will find each asset class in your household. It’s going to show the year to date, the rolling periods and then obviously in the inception on the right hand page of what each asset asset class has performed, page five breaks everything down by account.

So, for example, Roth IRA traditional IRA 529 plans. What did those accounts perform on the quarterly basis all the way across on the page since the inception of when you started with ewa. And most likely, long term we expect accounts like Roth IRAs will be the highest returns as those will primarily be invested in equities whereas a pre tax IRA which, if you hold corporate bonds, that’s where it will be held.

You can expect to have a lower return given the less risk that we’re taking in those accounts. Starting on page six of the report, you’ll get into the individual analysis on an account by account basis.

So the page five will cover every single account’s performance on an individual basis. But starting on page six it’ll actually break down your performance and your allocation for each individual account.

So page six, at the top half you will see a pie chart that’s related to the direct asset allocation of that account only. At the bottom half of that page you will see an activity summary that’s directly related to that account only.

Also for the current quarter year to date, one, three, five and ten year performance statistics and it’ll showcase your inception performance on the far right hand side. Page seven will then be a second page that piggybacks off of the current account that you’re analyzing.

So page seven is showcasing each individual holding inside of that portfolio and providing a bunch of relative. Financial statistics and data. You will first see each individual asset class and the current individual holdings in each asset class.

You will then see your current cost basis, the current market value, ending market value as of the end of the quarter, and your current unrealized gains and losses statistics. It will then go on to break down the individual asset performance, each individual holding performance inside of that asset class, and it’ll showcase the overall weighting inside of that account for each individual fund, each individual holding.

Excellent. The rest of the report shows exactly what Nick just described just on an account by account basis. So every single account that you have, you’ll have full transparency into what are the returns, what do you hold inside the account, what are the specific gains that relates to the account overall, and what are the specific gains that relates to each individual holding of each specific account?

If you have any questions about these, we look forward to discussing, and we also look forward inside of our quarterly video to share what moves were made and what our outlook is moving forward.

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